
Aiming High in Faith, Love and Learning

Collective Worship

What is Collective Worship?


As a Church of England School, at Christ Church Collective Worship is at the heart of school life. It happens every day, in various different forms, which give all children an opportunity to learn, celebrate and respond to Christian Values drawn from the Bible. Collective Worship songs are linked into the Value and help the children reflect further on its meaning.









Bible exploration, prayer and worship themes, including Bible stories linked to the values, or celebrations in line with the church calendar.

Led by Christ Church clergy and team.

Lord’s Prayer

Bible exploration, prayer and worship themes, including Bible stories linked to the values, or celebrations in line with the church calendar.

Led by Head Teacher.

Values prayer.

Family Forum – children sharing and discussing school and wider community issues.


Led by House Captains.

Children or staff’s prayers.

School celebration of achievements and recognition of special events in children’s lives.

Led by Deputy Head Teacher.

Children’s prayers.

Class assemblies or Hymn Practice led by Head Teacher and children.

Children’s prayers.

Our Collective Worship is diverse and world-wide; it is a fantastic vehicle for exploring Global Links.


At Christ Church, the children have a chance to explore what it means to be Christian in different countries, cultures and contexts through a variety of topics.






Collective Worship is set up so that all children and adults, of any faith or none, are invited to find out what Christians believe about God, the world and themselves, and have reflection time wondering about big questions of life. Staff and children alike value the time of quiet and stillness as a way to bring the community together.







Collective Worship - Patience

See link below


Year 6 Cake Sale for Plastic Oceans

  • Welcome

    Our school is a voluntary aided school affiliated to the Church of England, and it enjoys strong links with Christ Church. We hope all children who come here will be happy and successful, and look forward to working with you in a constructive and mutually respectful partnership to support your children's learning.

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