
Aiming High in Faith, Love and Learning

Wider Curriculum and Personal Development

Wider Curriculum & Personal Development


The Wider Curriculum and Personal Development is the backbone to our entire curriculum and is designed to reflect the school’s vision and values.


We aim for our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a global community who understand how they are developing personally and socially and have the confidence to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.


We provide opportunities for our children to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are actively encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


At Christ Church, our key aims are:

  • Children have opportunities throughout their time at Christ Church School to have rich and varied experiences.
  • Regardless of their background, children develop their ‘cultural capital’ while at Christ Church School.
  • Physical and Mental Wellbeing are prioritised as much as academic achievements.
  • Families are involved, where possible, to support all areas of their child’s personal development.



While we have the highest of expectations for our pupils within the classroom, this is only a part of the learning experience that we offer. We believe in providing a breadth of opportunities for our pupils that will give them the best possible foundations to carry forward into the next stage of their education.


An extensive range of extra-curricular activities are provided both during and after school. As well as sports, activities involving music, choirs, football, science and dance are provided by members of the school team, while external experts are engaged to run other clubs including Football, Art Explorers and French Frogglers!


We encourage the children to take part in World Book Day, Language Days, World Mental Health Day, Eco Committees and many other specially themed days where the children can dress up, create projects and models and experience a totally different school day.



  • Welcome

    Our school is a voluntary aided school affiliated to the Church of England, and it enjoys strong links with Christ Church. We hope all children who come here will be happy and successful, and look forward to working with you in a constructive and mutually respectful partnership to support your children's learning.

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