
Aiming High in Faith, Love and Learning

Family Forum

Our Family Forum is made up of four houses, MatthewMarkLuke and John.


Each child throughout the school (from Nursery - Year 6) is a member of one of the four houses. Any child with siblings at the school will be placed in the same house.

Each house is led by three House Captains who have been elected by their house group.


House Captains - 

Matthew - Senna, Isobelle, Serenna

Mark - Matilda, Hetty, Daisy

Luke - Ernie, Xander, Lucas

John - Ronnie, Zachary, Ava


The Family Forum groups meet to give the children an opportunity to share their ideas about proposed improvements to the school. The Family Forum makes a valuable contribution towards the continued success of Christ Church School.

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    Our school is a voluntary aided school affiliated to the Church of England, and it enjoys strong links with Christ Church. We hope all children who come here will be happy and successful, and look forward to working with you in a constructive and mutually respectful partnership to support your children's learning.

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