
Aiming High in Faith, Love and Learning

Digital Leaders


We are very proud to announce that we have enrolled some new Digital Leaders in our school.


Our Digital Leaders meet weekly to take part in Purple Mash challenges that require a range of computing skills. They are keen to help other children across the school, by being internet safety role models and promoting ways to stay safe online. The Digital leaders regularly make whole school blog posts with examples of their own work as well as challenges for others to complete. They are also responsible for planning and delivering a computing lunchtime club for younger children to help them in developing their skills. In addition to this, our Digital Leaders have a love for finding out how things work and are always keen to help others who need help with technology.


Digital leaders will develop skills that will help them to:

  • Understand how new software and hardware works
  • Create programs and debug them
  • Communicate through blogging and emailing
  • Confidence to complete challenges and enter Purple Mash competitions
  • Lead when designing and running clubs for younger pupils
  • Problem solve when finding out how things work



