
Aiming High in Faith, Love and Learning


At a school such as Christ Church, the roles and responsibilities of the school governors include.


Establishing the ethos and the setting of principles under which the school operates:

  • Ensuring that the National Curriculum is taught
  • Budgeting and operating financial controls
  • Appointing and supporting the teaching staff
  • Maintaining school standards
  • Dealing with admissions and admission appeals
  • Maintaining and improving the school facilities
  • Acting as a link between the school and the local community, the parent body and PSA


The governors hold regular full meetings throughout the academic year. In addition the following committees meet at least once a term.

  • Finance and Resources
  • Teaching, Learning and Personnel


Each governor is elected for a 4 year term.

If you feel that you would like to become more involved with the life of the school why not become a governor?  We are always on the look out for new governors to bring new skills and different ideas into the school. If you are interested please talk to one of the governors or the head teacher or follow the link below to find out more.

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors by email please do so at:-


Our Governing Body



Janet Wilkins - Chair of Governors

Term of office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027 

During the time my children were small I spent several years as a leader of a Toddler Group and another as a Playgroup Leader.  I was elected parent governor for 6 years at my children's C of E School in Enfield and after they moved on to senior schools I served another 3 year term as a Diocesan governor and was vice-chair of the Governing Body.  My career has always been connected with personal taxation, starting at the Inland Revenue, moving to work in the City and then to local accountancy firms in North London and Hertfordshire.  For 11 years I sat as a member of the First Tier Tax Tribunal and I still sit on the Taxation Disciplinary Board.  Before moving to Ware I was treasurer of the Baptist Church we attended as a family.  I have been attending Christ Church for the last 4 years and I hope to be able to put my experience to good use on the Finance Committee to benefit the children at Christ Church School. 


Iain Playle (Foundation Governor)

Term of Office: 24/3/2022 - 23/03/2026

I am a member of the Christ Church Community as a member of the Church congregation.  Living in Bishop's Stortford with two primary school aged children, Joshua and Rachel and my wife, Ruth.  I have been a School Governor at my children's school since 2017.


Having worked in retail most of my life, I have recently joined the civil service to find a better work life balance.


I am passionate about creating the correct enviornment for learning - where every child is given the best possible opportunities to reach their fullest potential. 



Nick Burridge (Co-opted Governor)

Term of office: 08/11/2021 – 07/11/2025

I am a person who is now, and has always been, fascinated by technology and passionate about trying to ensure that it is used in the best possible way. I have extensive experience in the implementation, roll out and maintenance of conventional IT systems and have a unique ability to understand and make best use of virtually all forms of technology. I have been responsible for designing and implementing pieces of technology as widely diverse as a contactless trap release mechanism for Harlow Greyhound Stadium to the innovative implementation of cinema rooms for domestic applications. I use my IT experience in my role as link governor for IT and have helped to redesign the school’s website. My basic philosophy is, ‘Yes is the answer – what was the question?’.


Roger Evans (Associate Member)

Term of office: 17/05/2021 – 16/05/2025

I have been a member of the Christ Church congregation for nearly 40 years and associated with the school, initially when my son attended in the mid-80s – happy memories of school productions and watching him play football for the school. Although a science teacher after leaving college, most of my working life was spent as an Environmental Health Officer; I retired in March 2016. I try to use some of my career expertise in building construction, food safety and health and safety in my role as a Governor by inspecting the school premises, assisting with health and safety issues and providing training. I have a disabled daughter so have a personal interest in special educational needs and disability. After some additional training, I hope to be able assist in this important area at the school.



Rev John Hookway, BSc., MTh, PgDip. Vicar of Christ Church, Ware (Foundation Governor)

Term of office: 15/06/11 - to date

(Only required to attend committee meetings in special circumstances)

As a Foundation Governor and Vicar, I support the pastoral, worship and spiritual growth of the school, as well as growing the church link and helping to maintain the school’s Christian ethos. I have spent half my life as an ordained minister and as a youth worker in the church. I trained in Christian Youth Ministry with the Oasis Trust and it has always been a great joy to see young people grow and develop. I have run a number of leadership programmes, taught at All Nations Bible College, as well as being an Arrow leadership graduate. Both my children benefitted greatly from their time as pupils at Christ Church School.


Jaqueline Matthews (Staff Governor)

Term of office: 10/10/2019 - to date

I am currently a full-time teacher in Murphy class.  I have, however, been associated with Christ Church School in a variety of ways since 1998.  I have been a parent (my four children attended the school), volunteer, supply teacher, part-time teacher and a temporary member of the SLT (covered maternity leave).  I am also a member of Christ Church congregation and was previously involved with running toddlers, a home group and I am still part of the leader team for Bubbles (children's church).  Now that my own children have grown up and moved on, to other places of education or the world of work, I have more free time to dedicate to volunteer work and decided the time was right to join the governing body. 


Yelena Wells (Foundation Governor)
Term of office: 10/10/2019 - to date

As a family we are privileged to be part of the community at both Christ Church School and Church.  Over the past 7 years I have been struck by the nurturing Christian ethos in the school and my daughters are very happy here.


In a professional capacity my background is in teaching.  I have been teaching at a large, culturally diverse, London primary school for the past 16 years.  I am passionate about providing all children with a safe and encouraging environment.  I aim to foster a love of learning and to provide children with skills for life.


For the school year 2021-22 I have been the link governor for the school website, Early Years and Equalities. 


Edward Glover (Parent Governor)

Term of Office: 24/03/2022 - 23/03/2026

I moved to Ware a few years ago and have two children at the school.  They are both really happy and always excited to tell me what they have been up to.  I became a governor because I want children to have the best possible experience at the school and i'm keen to support the hard-working staff achieve this.


In my professional life I am a lawyer in the public sector, specialising in Financial Services, competition and administrative law.  Outside of work, my interests include sport (mainly football), music and history.


Bruce Crowther - Vice Chair of Finance & Resources Committee (Foundation Governor)

Term of Office: 01/02/2022 - 31/01/2026

I live in Hertford and have two children who have now left school.  School years are so formative, and I am keen to help where I can to make the experience of Christ Church children positive, constructive and effective in preparing them for secondary school.
I have worked in areas of building maintenance and construction with various local authorities, including Hertfordshire and central government.  I have also had a number of business and management roles, and hope to offer what experience I have to support Christ Church School.

I enjoy music, running and have a strong faith in Jesus Christ.  Relationship with God has provided reason and motivation throughout my life, and I would like to see God introduced to the young people at Christ Church.


  • Welcome

    Our school is a voluntary aided school affiliated to the Church of England, and it enjoys strong links with Christ Church. We hope all children who come here will be happy and successful, and look forward to working with you in a constructive and mutually respectful partnership to support your children's learning.

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